Trendsplant Essential T-Shirt white

39,95 €
Inkl. 19% MwSt., ggf. Versandkosten
Versandkostenfreie Lieferung ab 25,00€ Bestellwert

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Essential T-Shirt white

Sustainable and simple, that's what the Organic Essentials are all about. This t-shirt is made from 100% certified cotton and weighs 170 grams per square meter, making it ideal year-round.

This garment is a part of our "TRENDSPLANT GREEN LABEL" and follows the same detailed manufacturing process as all of our seasonal garments.

The Elephant represents strength, nobility, and the brand's nomadic spirit. Made in Portugal with 100% quality assurance.


Trendsplant, S.L. C.I.F: B-54459532

Avenida de Zodiaco  28, 03006, Alicante (Spain)

Javi Satorre

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